January 29, 2025

DeepSeek release


On May 2024 Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google bragged in a Bloomberg interview, that the US was at least 3 years ahead of the Chinese in the development of AI, which - as he said - is an eternity in AI. In the morning ahead of Donald Trump’s inauguration, the Chinese company DeepSeek launched its AI system that is free and open source, forcing Mr. Schmidt to eat his words only six months after having boasted that the US was way ahead of every other country - hinting at China of course - in the AI business. The launch of DeepSeek was perfectly timed and sent a clear message to the US AI-system CEO’s and politicians, that were very pleased with themselves, thinking that they had a solid lead over other countries that are involved in the development of AI, thinking that they could not be equalled any time soon by anyone. They never have been more wrong that this.

Apart from the fact that it always is nice to see arrogant and hubristic pompous assholes fall flat on their face in front of the entire world to see, DeepSeek’s introduction has many aspects that put the formerly self confident CEOs in a dire spot, that they were sure they would never ever end up in. The budgets for the development of OpenAI, Google, Meta, Anthropic and other big players in the field are many hundreds of billion dollars each, DeepSeek cost only 5.6 million. Or as Chamath Palihapitiya wrote on X: 'Let me say the quiet part out loud, AI model building is a money trap....'. Furthermore it took the big players years to get at a level at which they are now, while it took DeepSeek only two months to match their US competitors..... In boxing terms, this is not just a K.O., but DeepSeek knocked the arrogant AI masters not just out of the ring, but out of the arena itself. In addition the Chinese had the audacity to make their AI system open source and free to use. I always found the subscriptions of the US AI systems way overpriced, but since DeepSeek joined the market, I don’t need to give a flying fuck about what prices the Americans charge anymore. Finally, making their magnificent system open source, apart from allowing everyone to tinker with it, is a sign of total confidence that says: You can do whatever you want with our system, but we will always stay ahead of you, no matter what you do. How is that for a kick in the balls? Meanwhile the Chinese are rolling on the floor laughing about the hubris, ignorance and arrogance of the Americans. Rightly so, I must say.

There are many more consequences to entering markets of DeepSeek than would fit on this page: economical, military, industrial and political and it gives, individuals, small businesses and even poor countries a great possibility to speed up and organise their development. China knew this of course and choosing to go ahead with it, hints at the aim of changing the world in ways that worries hegemonic powers and there is nothing they can do against it. It also shows China’s centuries old traditional wisdom, that overpowers the young, historically unaware leadership in the west in a way they never understood and / or saw coming in a peaceful and useful way, in stead of an antagonistic imperialist manner.

The paragraphs above are the caption texts in a book I am writing that contains visual poetry, called 'Writhed Writes' (it is a rather large ready for download pdf-file, so it may require some time to load), Below you find additional information about DeepSeek and ways to use it an benefit from. From the time that Deng Xiaoping opened China to the rest of the world China has implied a program that lifted 800 million Chinese out of poverty, which almost is twice the entire population of Europe. Not one western leader has ever done such a thing for his people. The Chinese understood that keeping people poor, will not create a skilled work force and market that is capable of buying the produce the country's industry produces. After realising that enormous internal program had reached its impetus, they try to do the same on a global scale, realising well that the program - like the Belt & Road initiative and joining the BRICS alliance - had to deal with different cultures, politics and economies to become successful. Besides the programs China has already implied outside of its borders, DeepSeek is an other one of China's highly intelligent global policies, that the imperial rules based order did not see coming, just as China's two 6th gen fighter planes and hypersonic missiles, just in case to prevent the remorseless globalists to even consider to attack their country.

Meanwhile in the stock market corporations leading the US AI business and chip- and waver makers from all over the globe have seen the value of their stocks drop rather significantly since the release of DeepSeek AI - 600 billion dollars on the first two days (.....) - and of course allegations like DeepSeek was using illegally imported more powerful chips (from Nvidia) than was communicated by DeepSeek, popped up everywhere, because it is more than a threat, because it actually is a defeat of US AI is looming, especially since it is the first time DeepSeek joined the market and bearing in mind how fast the Chinese commonly develop their products, the emergence of DeepSeek is frightening to certain corporations. Oh and by the way, Emad Mostaqe, the founder of Stability AI, said that this claim was not true and explained why he said this. In addition DeepSeek decided to make their system open source, which may have a slew of consequences, the impact of which still is unclear. In any case DeepSeek can help many people, that can not afford 200 USD per month to get a ChaptGPT license, to improve and organise their lives significantly of which I will write in the next paragraph.

But there is more, there is a guy named Marcus, who runs a channel in Youtube, that he named 'affiliatemarketingdude' and in one of his entries he showed in a video that DeepSeek gives answers to prompts that none of the other AI systems gives; they are more versatile, detailed while including the human aspects of emotions, feelings and reason. This absolutely huge! Marcus of course also has a website, where he goes into detail of how to make money with DeepSeek. The Youtube channel and website give marketing information, but it also is possible to apply Marcus' mode of thinking to other aspects of life that are not marketing related. DeepSeek is the perfect tool to integrate our human analogue, biological being with the digital world, not just to make money but also to help other people and yourself of course. In short DeepSeek offers a versatile tool to survive in a world in which the increasingly large gap between the poor and the rich directs towards austerity for the first and to much money for the latter that they do not live long enough to spend it all. It therefore is a development that worries the ruthless globalists, but they can do nothing against it, because the Chinese have already for centuries mastered the art of bringing about change without waging war in subtle, yet effective ways. Waging perpetual war is the strategy of the ultra rich and the US industrial military complex, that allows them to bully and plunder the world by the 800 military bases the US has around the world, the WEF, IMF and covertly operating CIA. The release of DeepSeek was a real blow to these organisations, that was too smart for them to fight. If idiot politicians decide to block it in your country, use a VPN to circumvent their corrupt and bonkers nature.

I recently saw a Youtube video in which Hans C Nelson said that in the AI business: 'We do not have a fucking clue, what we are doing, we walk around in a pitch black room with a tiny torch trying not to stumble over the couch' (.....). What US AI does is questioning a 1000 experts to answer a prompt, while DeepSeek questions 20 of the very best experts to answer a prompt, which makes it much faster, does its job on less advanced and powerful hardware for far lower costs, using only around 20% of energy that the US AI needs. In addition he says that open source AI in no way performs worse than closed AI, which is an eye opener that is not good news for the latter, the proprietary type of AI systems. So, also in that respect DeepSeek has an undeniably profound impact on the approach of how to build AI systems. US AI systems plan to build nuclear energy supply systems to feed their data centres enough power to run, in the order of magnitude that power is enough to allow several villages to run. In view of the vulnerable US power grid, such developments are insane, which of course applies to the energy supply in countries all over the planet. In other words: if we want AI to play a useful and significant role in the future of this world, some aspects of those systems will have to be changed in quite a drastic way, the solution to the AI power supply being a major one of them.

And guess what all this leads me to think: If China decided to make the DeepSeek release open source and free, don't you think it is logical to suspect that behind the veil the Chinese have already taken more steps beyond the release? Sure, it serves their intention to make the world an even bigger market than it already is today, because they have a strong focus on trade, but beyond the obvious always is more taking place on that level than meets the eye. If this is true, then the DeepSeek release is an other subtle hint from the Chinese towards an even more daunting possibility to the war mongering global imperialists, that did not even see the DeepSeek release coming. Perhaps the return of the saviour that was predicted in the bible, does not refer to a particular person, but to a great number of developments on an increasingly small physical subatomic level that has an increasingly large effect on life in the material world, since pope Constantine and his bishops, that assembled the bible in the Council of Nicea in 325 AD knew nothing about quantum physics, so they had to invent a metaphor that their potential group of believers was able to digest. Not saying that the release of DeepSeek is that crucial issue in time, but it may be part of a development that may be related to the simplified story in the old bible metaphor. Just my two cents.