I started my third vector portrait - no pixels, all vector. This one is the first I did in full colour. Subject is Russian president Vladimir Putin. By far the smartest of the lot in high ranking leadership. This is a work in progress, so far only the vector shapes have been created. At this point it still contains matters that must be changed. Vector texture brushes will be drawn after this stage to make it more realistic. In all but the last phases I draw first and amend and tune later to get colours right and accents in balance with each other.
The image was created in Affinity Designer - the best vector drawing program around. Putin, since he was in office, raised wages of Russian workers by 300 to 400%, lowered inflation from 12 to 2% and cut the unemployment rate in half. On May 1 2018 he increased the minimum wage with 43% (! ! !). That is irrefutably more than any western leader has ever done for his people. He was able to do all this because he kicked out the Rothschild Central Bank, which allowed Russia to take control of its own currency - an other major courageous step by Putin.
I once worked for a Dutch company that sold greenhouse lighting to Russia. The sales persons often visited the country to promote and sell their products. They had been to and fro Russia for 15 years before the Covid plandemic and spoke about how Russia tremendously changed in a relatively brief period of time. Changed for the better that is - the living standard rose at great pace ever since Putin became president of the Russian Federation. One time on order of the minister of agriculture a Russian company bought 300,000 grow light lamps in one purchase; our company could barely build that many lamps in a short period of time and had to request the national competition to help building the lamps. This was caused by the fact that Putin had ordered to make Russia totally independent from other countries where food production is concerned. This is an other great achievement on his resume.
He also got Russia involved in the BRICS Alliance that makes the countries collaborating in the alliance less dependent on those who control the world's financial and economic markets. Eventually these markets will be overtaken by BRICS, while western economies have been in decline for decades. In spite of what the corrupt and biased western mainstream media spread about Putin and Russia, he has performed a tour de force for his country, while also defending the legal rights of others, i.e. Syria. His military science of course helped him to achieve his current ranking among world leadership by creating hypersonic inter ballistic missiles that are too fast to shoot down for traditional air defence systems, because the elusive Darwinian creed still determines matters on the world stage, in which nuclear power remains the most powerful means of intimidating adversaries.
To see the often subtle difference between the various stages, click on an image and use the mouse scroll wheel to flip through the stages in Blogger's Lightbox viewer. Each stage increment contains at least 50 vector bush strokes and / or shapes in addition to the previous stage.
And this is what the portrait looks like
in a virtual frame on a virtual wall. |
Drew shoulders, chair and background. Almost complete now. |
Added and tuned many custom made brush strokes
that were created for this particular portrait. |
This is what the image above
looks like in vector outline view. |
Started with texturing of wrinkles and pores
with custom vector brushes and vector shapes. |
Worked on mouth, face, forehead and hair textures. |
Tweaking of vector shapes - April 2 2018 - 00:23 |
Stage 10 - March 31 2018 - 19:31 |
Stage 9 vector shapes outlines |
Progress sequence showing stages 1-9 |
Western leaders are inventing all sorts of unfounded accusations in an attempt to make Putin look bad with the assistance of the corrupt mainstream media. The miserable traitors are all under the influence of the occult, satanic Deep State that aims to wipe out 90% of the world population. An increasing number of people in the west begin to see through the devious smear campaigns of their leaders, many of whom have come in office through election fraude. Once Vladimir Putin and Xi Jin Ping succeed in killing off the petro-dollar it will mean the end of the utterly corrupt capitalist banking system and evil, deceiving politicians. People will lynch them in the streets (as
Bush Sr. once remarked in an interview), which is why the Bush crime syndicate has prepared a
hideaway in Paraguay and other wealthy parasites have bought property in New-Zealand or parked their opulent
yachts in the Mediterranean. It won't help the corrupt and perverse bastards, they will be found and still be dragged into the streets, like the older Bush admitted.