October 14, 2013

I conjure texts too! - A poem.

So far I did not feature examples of text creation in this blog. It is time for this to change. Below you see a poem (or at least an attempt to poetry) I wrote, when thinking of science 'discovery' that 97% of human DNA has no function they were able to detect, because it doesn't produce proteins which is why that incited to tempt scientists to call that 97% 'junk DNA'.

Some - mainly spiritually inclined people - suggest that humankind originally had 12 strand DNA instead of the 2 strand of which our bodily tissue consists of now. Supposing such a claim is true, it would mean that we use only 3% of 1/6th of our true potential..., which equals 0.005th of the original DNA structure, assuming extra strands do not just increase perception and skills exponentially.....

If the 12 strand DNA story is true, the human race has been degenerated at a disturbing rate. We should probably first and for all figure out what could have caused such deterioration. Not just in science, but in all that determines the quality of the lives mankind lives - religion, education, economics etc. Perhaps at some point man will become capable of restoring the original DNA structure.

Before that is possible a means must be found to free existence of extremely limiting conditioning, because that keeps life trapped in ignorance. To leave primitive life behind it is necessary to realise that there basically are four levels to indicate different kinds of knowledge:
  1. There are things we know
  2. There are things we don't know
  3. There are things that we know we don't know
  4. And there are things we do not know that we don't know 
The last point refers to an infinite and immeasurable measure of knowledge that is beyond our ability to perceive, comprehend and use in our consciousness. Today the rise of AI and quantum computers already are able to produce data and sentience that the human brain is incapable of generating, but beyond their ability to do that, there still is a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom that we are totally incapable of even imagining. It probably is far out of the human reach to come close to venture into grasping just a tiny bit of gaining what is out there that life should know to travel the path towards infinite progress.

As long as humankind lives life in fear, envy, violence, destruction and hate, there is no way that it will ever develop in that direction. It requires an infinitely deeper understanding and empathic mindset of what is necessary to know to begin moving towards the ultimate goal of existence, which is to expand consciousness to an extent that it makes it possible to abandon all those negative emotions that put limitation and paradox in everything man feels, think, say and do. I am pretty sure that technology is not the way to arrive at such a defining moment, because systems and machinery are configured by the conditioned human mind, which will launch synthetic digital hyper intelligence into directions that will continue to bear the seed of ignorance, regardless of how intelligent it may become.

So, what is the alternative? I have a few suspicions. My daughter told me recently that one cubic millimeter of human brain tissue is able to contain 17 Terabytes. But as many serious fringe scientists today are beginning to discover, is that at the heart of every atom there may be a tiny black hole. It is not the supposed and hallucinated 'strong force' that prevents the protons inside the kernel of atoms to repel each other, but it it the gravitational force of the minute black hole that keeps the positively charged protons from repelling each other. And like the late Stephen Hawking proposed, black holes are portals to other, higher dimensions in which the presence of information and consciousness dwarf that of what is worked with in the earthly realm.

Taking that further, be aware that in the tip of a needle alone there are a billion atoms already and bearing that in mind, think of the myriad number of atoms in our DNA, all of which have those ultra small black holes, that are portals to what exists in dimensions, much higher than the one human life is currently present. It means that the human potential to gain knowledge, wisdom and consciousness is without end. But somehow at some point in space and time, humans forgot how to use that incredible talent and gift (or were coerced to forget it). No advanced quantum computer can get even close to that potential.